
而籃足球比賽比分列表,一遇假日就會有1000~2000 筆的比賽需要同時顯示,且依據使用者期待,不要使用分頁顯示。
設計概念,一開始先傳入高度,並將每一筆 item 的 邊界 getBoundingClientRect 結果快取起來,直到渲染出來會重新計算快取高度,透過容器的卷軸事件,css translate3d,操作 y 軸,達到到平移捲動的效果,只有利用實體捲軸的高度及捲動事件,但不是透過實體捲軸顯示,因此這就是為什麼稱之虛擬捲軸的原因。
跟虛擬捲軸最大的差異,分段捲軸一開始採用的用的真實的實體捲軸,除buffer item 其餘都僅渲染空 div 支撐捲軸高度,直到捲到 buffer item 時,才開始渲染該區間的元件。
拿 1000 筆左右的數據,資料採用分段渲染和一般炫染效能做比較,因為要渲染的筆數少了,其實可以預期效能差了快1x倍之多。
<template> <div id="virtual-list" ref="scroller" class="virtual-scroll-list-container" @scroll="scrollEvent($event)" @touchstart="touchstartHandle" @touchmove="touchmoveHandle" @touchend="touchendHandle" > <div class="virtual-scroll-list-phantom" :style="{ 'min-height': minListHeight + (enableScrollUp ? 40 : 0)+ 'px' }" /> <div ref="actualContentRef" class="virtual-scroll-list" :style="{ transform: getTransform }" > <div v-show="isShow.isRefresh" ref="refresh" class="refresh"> <div class="flex justify-center align-center"> <span class="circle-rotate " /> <span> 重新整理 </span> </div> </div> <slot v-for="item in visibleData" :start="start" :index="getCache(item[uniKey]).index" :end="end" :uniKey="uniKey" :item="item" :height="getCache(item[uniKey]).height" /> <div v-show="isShow.isLoading" class="load m-t-4"> <div class="flex justify-center align-center"> <span class="circle-rotate " /> <span> 加載中 </span> </div> </div> <span v-if="!isChatMode" class="finished-text"> <slot name="finishedText">沒有更多內容</slot> </span> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { scrollElementToBottom, debounce } from '@/utils' export default { name: 'VirtualList', props: { // 所有列表數據 list: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, // 每項預設的高度 itemDefaultHeight: { type: Number, default: 200 }, // 唯一值 uniKey: { type: String, default: function() { return 'seq' }, required: false }, // 可視範圍外多渲染幾筆 bufferSize: { type: Number, default: 0 }, isChatMode: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: function() { return false } }, enableScrollDown: { // 開啟上拉功能 refresh type: Boolean, required: false, default: function() { return false } }, enableScrollUp: { // 開啟下拉功能 loading type: Boolean, required: false, default: function() { return false } }, autoLoadMore: { // 自動捲到最底就刷新 / 捲到定點,在上拉才刷新 type: Boolean, required: false, default: function() { return true } } }, data() { return { // scrollTop: 0, // 卷軸位址 lastScrollTop: 0, // 紀錄最後卷軸位址 isScrolling: false, isLoadMoreEnd: false, // 列表預估總高度 minListHeight: 0, // 可視區域高度 screenHeight: 0, // 起始索引 start: 0, // 結束索引 end: null, // 快取高度 cachedPositions: [], // 每一項只記算一次動態高度 calculateOnce: true, // 是不是己捲動到最下面 autoScrollLoaded: false, firstRender: false, refreshLoginStatus: 'normal', // 組件當前狀態:正常瀏覽模式normal,下拉刷新模式refresh,上拉加載模式loading isShow: { // 加載動劃控制開關 isRefresh: false, isLoading: false }, startPos: { // 手指初始按壓位置 pageY: 0, pageX: 0 }, dis: { // 手移動距離 pageY: 0, pageX: 0 }, last: { pageY: 0, pageX: 0 } } }, computed: { // 預期可視範圍可顯示的列表數 visibleCount() { return Math.ceil(this.screenHeight / this.itemDefaultHeight) }, // 偏移量對應的style getTransform() { const currentCachedPositions = this.cachedPositions[this.start - 1] return `translate3d(0,${ this.start >= 0 && currentCachedPositions ? currentCachedPositions.bottom : 0 }px,0)` }, // 獲取可視範圍的資料筆數 visibleData() { if (this.cachedPositions.length === 0) { return [] } return this.list.slice(this.start, this.end + 1) } }, watch: { list: { handler(val) { if (val) { this.init() } this.isLoadMoreEnd = false }, immediate: false, deep: true } }, mounted() { this.init() }, // activated生命鉤子在keep-alive被激活時調用 activated() { // 如果曾滾動過,則還原位置 if (this.lastScrollTop) { const page = this.$refs.scroller page.scrollTop = this.lastScrollTop } }, updated() { // 當每一次 component 更新時重新計算一下,目前渲染出來的項目高度,放進 cache 計算 const that = this if (that.$refs.actualContentRef.childElementCount > 0) { const childNodes = that.$refs.actualContentRef.childNodes that.hasLastNode = false childNodes.forEach((node, index) => { if (!node || !node.id || node.id.indexOf('-') === -1) { return } const elementIdArray = node.id.split('-') if (elementIdArray.length === 2) { const elementId = Number(elementIdArray[1]) if (elementId) { const currentCachedPositions = that.cachedPositions.find( (x) => x.id === elementId ) if (currentCachedPositions) { if (currentCachedPositions.isLast === true) { that.hasLastNode = true } } // 每個 item的高度只會重算一次 if ( that.calculateOnce && currentCachedPositions.updated && currentCachedPositions.updated === true ) { return } const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect() const { height } = rect const oldHeight = currentCachedPositions.height const dValue = oldHeight - height if (dValue) { currentCachedPositions.bottom -= dValue currentCachedPositions.top -= dValue currentCachedPositions.height = height currentCachedPositions.dValue = dValue currentCachedPositions.updated = true that.minListHeight -= dValue for ( let i = currentCachedPositions.index; i < that.cachedPositions.length; i++ ) { const cacheItem = that.cachedPositions[i] if (cacheItem) { cacheItem.top -= dValue cacheItem.bottom -= dValue } } } } } }) if (that.isChatMode) { that.$nextTick(function() { if (that.firstRender === false) { that.firstRender = true that.$refs.scroller.scrollTop = that.$refs.scroller.scrollHeight } else if (that.autoScrollLoaded === false) { scrollElementToBottom('virtual-list') if (that.hasLastNode) { that.autoScrollLoaded = true } } }) } } }, methods: { init() { this.autoScrollLoaded = false this.initCachedPositions() this.initPosition() this.screenHeight = this.$el.clientHeight || this.$el.parentElement.clientHeight this.scrollEvent() // 給 list 預設的高度 this.minListHeight = this.list.length * this.itemDefaultHeight }, touchstartHandle(e) { // 記錄起始位置 和 組件距離window頂部的高度 this.startPos.pageY = e.touches[0].pageY this.startPos.pageX = e.touches[0].pageX // 內容頁在可視視窗最頂端或者在指定的位置(父級元素的頂部) }, touchmoveHandle(e) { const disY = e.touches[0].pageY - this.startPos.pageY const disX = e.touches[0].pageX - this.startPos.pageX // for android 預設下拉刷新的問題 if (this.isAndroid) { this.preventAndriodRefreshEevnt(e) } this.last.pageY = e.changedTouches[0].pageY this.last.pageX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX if (disX > 100 && !this.isScrolling) { this.dis.pageX = disX this.$emit('scrollRight') this.refreshLoginStatus = 'right' } else if (disX < -100 && !this.isScrolling) { this.$emit('scrollLeft') this.refreshLoginStatus = 'left' } else { if (this.$refs.scroller.scrollTop <= 0 && disY > 100) { this.dis.pageY = disY this.refreshLoginStatus = 'refresh' this.refreshMove(disY, e) } else if (disY < 100) { /* //觸發上拉加載 */ if (this.isShow.isLoading) return this.refreshLoginStatus = 'loading' this.loadingMove(disY) } } }, preventAndriodRefreshEevnt(e) { // 阻止 android 原生事件 var direction = e.changedTouches[0].pageY > this.last.pageY ? 1 : -1 const scrollTop = this.$refs.scroller.scrollTop if (direction > 0 && scrollTop <= 0) { e.preventDefault() } }, loadingMove(dis) { // 計算內容頁底部距離可視視窗頂部的距離 if (this.enableScrollUp && !this.autoLoadMore) { const disToTop = this.$refs.actualContentRef.getBoundingClientRect() .bottom // 計算可視視窗的高度 const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight if (disToTop <= clientHeight) { if (this.refreshLoginStatus === 'loading' && this.dis.pageY < 0) { this.isShow.isLoading = true } } } }, refreshMove(dis, e) { if (this.enableScrollDown) { if (this.isShow.isRefresh) return if (this.refreshLoginStatus === 'refresh' && this.dis.pageY > 0) { // 下拉刷新成立條件 this.isShow.isRefresh = true // 下拉到一定距離後,內容頁不隨touchmove移動 this.$refs.actualContentRef.style.transform = `translateY(${ dis < 8 ? dis : 8 }px)` // for android 預設下拉刷新的問題 if (this.isAndroid) { e.preventDefault() } } } }, touchendHandle(e) { if (this.refreshLoginStatus === 'left' || this.refreshLoginStatus === 'right') { this.isShow.isRefresh = false this.isShow.isLoading = false } this.refreshLoginStatus === 'refresh' && this.refreshToucnend(e) this.refreshLoginStatus === 'loading' && this.loadingTouchend(e) }, refreshToucnend(e) { // 加上限定條件,防止不在刷新狀態,後面的代碼執行 if (!this.isShow.isRefresh) return // 必須下拉一定距離,才進行異步加載數據 this.dis.pageY > 10 && (this.$emit('scrollDown')) // 松手後加載動劃消失,並且內容頁回到原位置 this.isShow.isRefresh = false this.$refs.actualContentRef.style.transform = `translateY(0px)` this.refreshLoginStatus = 'normal' }, loadingTouchend(e) { // 加上限定條件,防止不在刷新狀態,後面的代碼執行 if (!this.isShow.isLoading) return if (this.isLoadMoreEnd === false) { this.$emit('scrollUp') this.isLoadMoreEnd = true } this.isShow.isLoading = false this.refreshLoginStatus = 'normal' }, getCache(uniId) { const cache = this.cachedPositions.find(x => x.id === uniId) return cache }, initPosition() { if (this.isChatMode) { this.end = this.list.length var range = this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize if (this.end - range < 0) { this.start = 0 } else { this.start = this.end - range } } else { this.start = 0 this.end = this.start + this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize } }, // 依照預設每一筆資料都給計算 bottom 及給預設高度 initCachedPositions() { const { itemDefaultHeight } = this this.cachedPositions = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) { this.cachedPositions[i] = { id: this.list[i][this.uniKey], index: i, height: itemDefaultHeight, top: i * itemDefaultHeight, bottom: (i + 1) * itemDefaultHeight, dValue: 0, isLast: i + 1 === this.list.length } } }, scrollEvent(e) { // 當前滾動位置 const scrollTop = this.$refs.scroller.scrollTop // 綁定事件,滾動時,儲存位置到this.scrollTop this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop // 處理滑動不可以切換tab this.isScrolling = true var scroll clearTimeout(scroll) scroll = setTimeout(() => { this.isScrolling = false }, 100) let index = 0 // 此時的開始索引 const currentCachePostion = this.cachedPositions.filter( (x) => scrollTop < x.bottom )[0] if (currentCachePostion) { index = currentCachePostion.index } if (index === 0) { this.start = 0 this.end = index + this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize } // debugger // 此時的結束索引 this.start = index - this.bufferSize this.end = index + this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize if (this.list.length > 0 && this.end >= this.list.length) { // 自動加載 if (this.enableScrollUp && this.autoLoadMore) { this.isShow.isLoading = true this.loadingTouchend(e) } this.end = Math.max(this.list.length, this.visibleCount) this.start = Math.min(this.end - this.visibleCount - this.bufferSize, 0) } if (this.start < 0) this.start = 0 // 起始筆 }, debounceScroll(e) { debounce(() => { this.scrollEvent(e) }, 16.6) // 60Hz } } } </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> .virtual-scroll-list-container { position: relative; overflow: auto; height: 100%; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; // scroll-behavior: smooth; } // .virtual-scroll-list-container::-webkit-scrollbar { // display: none; // } .virtual-scroll-list-phantom { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1; } .virtual-scroll-list { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; z-index: 998; } /* ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: darkgrey; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } */ .circle-rotate { position: relative; border: 10px solid #CCC; border-right-color: transparent; border-radius: 50%; width: 20px; height: 20px; animation: loadingAnimation 0.75s infinite; } @keyframes loadingAnimation { 0% { transform: translateX(-50%) rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: translateX(-50%) rotate(360deg); } } .finished-text { display: block; padding: 24px 0 32px 0; font-size: 22px; text-align: center; color: $text-grey-darken; } .disable-hover { pointer-events: none; } </style>
<VirtualScroller :list="news" class="news-list-wrapper" :item-default-height="100" :uni-key="'id'" :enable-scroll-up="!isLastPage" :auto-load-more="true" :enable-scroll-down="true" :buffer-size="4" @scrollDown="scrollDown" @scrollUp="scrollUp" > <template #default="slotScope"> <NewsCard :id="'news-' + slotScope.item[slotScope.uniKey]" :key="'news-' + slotScope.item[slotScope.uniKey]" :start="slotScope.start" :end="slotScope.end" :index="slotScope.index" :h="slotScope.height" :news="slotScope.item" :sport-id="slotScope.item.sportId" /> </template> </VirtualScroller>
<template> <div ref="part-render-container" class="part-render-scroll-list-container" :style="{ height: minListHeight +'px' }" > <div v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="item[uniKey]" :[uniKey]="item[uniKey]" :index="index" class="part-render-item" :class="[{ visiable: checkVisible(index) }, itemClass]" :style="{ 'min-height': cachedPositions[index].height + 'px' }" > <transition-group name="fade"> <slot v-if="checkVisible(index)" :index="index" :uniKey="uniKey" :item="item" :height="cachedPositions[index].height" /> </transition-group> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'VirtualList', props: { scrollElementId: { // 沒傳預設抓 body type: String, required: false, default: function() { return '' } }, // 所有列表數據 list: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, // 每項預設的高度 itemDefaultHeight: { type: Number, default: 200 }, // 唯一值 uniKey: { type: String, default: function() { return 'id' }, required: false }, // 可視範圍外多渲染幾筆 bufferSize: { type: Number, default: 20 }, itemClass: { type: String, required: false, default: function() { return '' } } }, data() { return { // 列表預估總高度 minListHeight: 0, // 起始索引 start: 0, // 結束索引 end: null, // 快取高度 cachedPositions: [], // 每一項只記算一次動態高度 defaultTopOffset: 0, maxListHeight: 0, currentScrollTop: 0, currentEleTop: 0, currentEleBottom: 0, screenHeight: 0, scrollElement: null, isBodyScroller: false // 是不是 body 的捲軸 } }, computed: { // 一頁預估可以顯示幾筆 visibleCount() { return Math.ceil(this.screenHeight / this.itemDefaultHeight) }, // 己進入預渲染的範圍 isEnterPreload() { const isEnterPreload = this.currentScrollTop + this.screenHeight > this.currentEleTop && this.currentScrollTop - this.screenHeight < this.currentEleBottom return isEnterPreload } }, watch: { list: { handler(val) { if ( val && val.length > 0 ) { // 給 list 預設的高度 this.minListHeight = this.list.length * this.itemDefaultHeight this.initCachedPositions() var that = this that.$nextTick(function() { const rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect() that.defaultTopOffset = rect.top }) } }, immediate: true, deep: true } }, mounted() { this.screenHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight this.recalculateCurrentEleBoundary() // 給初始值 this.start = 0 this.end = this.start + this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize this.isBodyScroller = this.scrollElementId.length === 0 if (this.isBodyScroller) { window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll) } else { this.getScrollElement().addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, false) } }, updated() { // 當每一次 component 更新時重新計算一下,目前渲染出來的項目高度,放進 cache 計算 const that = this const el = this.$el if (el) { const childNodes = el.querySelectorAll('.visiable') childNodes.forEach((node, index) => { if (!node) { return } const elementIndex = Number(node.getAttribute('index')) // 重算高度 const currentCachedPositions = that.cachedPositions[elementIndex] if (currentCachedPositions.updated === true) { return } currentCachedPositions.updated = true if (currentCachedPositions) { // slot 只能放一筆 const rect = node.children[0].getBoundingClientRect() const { height } = rect const oldHeight = currentCachedPositions.height const dValue = oldHeight - height if (dValue) { currentCachedPositions.bottom -= dValue currentCachedPositions.top -= dValue currentCachedPositions.height = height currentCachedPositions.dValue = dValue that.minListHeight -= dValue // 重算快取 Cache 的 上邊界 & 下邊界 this.recalculateCache(currentCachedPositions.index, dValue) } } }) this.recalculateCurrentEleBoundary() } }, beforeDestroy() { if (this.isBodyScroller) { window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll) } else { this.getScrollElement().removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, false) } }, methods: { getScrollElement() { const scrollElement = document.getElementById(this.scrollElementId) if (this.isBodyScroller) { return document.documentElement || document.body } else { if (!scrollElement) { console.log('找不到捲軸物件') } return document.getElementById(this.scrollElementId) } }, // 重算快取 Cache 的 上邊界 & 下邊界 recalculateCache(index, dValue) { for (let i = index; i < this.cachedPositions.length; i++) { const cacheItem = this.cachedPositions[i] if (cacheItem) { cacheItem.top -= dValue cacheItem.bottom -= dValue } } }, // 重新計算上邊界和下邊界的距離 recalculateCurrentEleBoundary() { var rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect() this.currentEleTop = rect.top + this.currentScrollTop this.currentEleBottom = rect.top + this.currentScrollTop + rect.height }, checkVisible(nowIndex) { if (this.isEnterPreload) { return ( nowIndex >= this.start && nowIndex <= Math.min(this.end, this.list.length) ) } else { return false } }, handleScroll() { this.currentScrollTop = this.getScrollElement().scrollTop let index = 0 // 此時的開始索引 const currentCachePostion = this.cachedPositions.filter( (x) => this.currentScrollTop - this.currentEleTop < x.top )[0] if (currentCachePostion) { index = currentCachePostion.index } if (index === 0) { this.start = 0 this.end = index + this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize } this.start = index - this.bufferSize this.end = index + this.visibleCount + this.bufferSize if (this.start < 0) { this.start = 0 } if (this.end > this.list.length) { this.end = this.list.length - 1 this.start = this.end - this.visibleCount - this.bufferSize } }, // 依照預設每一筆資料都給計算 bottom 及給預設高度 initCachedPositions() { const { itemDefaultHeight } = this this.cachedPositions = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) { this.cachedPositions[i] = { index: i, height: itemDefaultHeight, top: i * itemDefaultHeight, bottom: (i + 1) * itemDefaultHeight, dValue: 0, isLast: i === this.list.length - 1, updated: false // 曾經渲染過 } } } } } </script> <style scoped> .part-render-scroll-list-container { box-sizing: border-box; } .part-render-item { box-sizing: border-box; } </style>
<PartRenderingScroller :scroll-element-id="'schedule-container'" :list="early.early" :item-default-height="100" uni-key="matchId" class="schedule-list p-l-20 p-r-20" :buffer-size="50"> <template #default="slotScope"> <ScheduleCard :id="'live-' + slotScope.item[slotScope.uniKey]" :key="'live-' + slotScope.item[slotScope.uniKey]" :class="{'p-t-20':slotScope.index===0}" :start="slotScope.start" :end="slotScope.end" :index="slotScope.index" :h="slotScope.height" :sport-id="sportId" :schedule="slotScope.item" :lottery-type="lotteryType" /> </template> </PartRenderingScroller>
元件初始化時,先給預設高,並快取起來,直到渲染出來,在去更新高度,postion 的快取。